Originally Posted by maidos
i did but however like i said i want to delete it completly, if i enable the code again the name of the uploaders will show up, i want it to vanished completely from the datatbase
You can do that, but then you will need to do a lot of changes (PHP changes next to the the simple template edit) each release of DownloadsII.
We are not going to remove it as it's a pretty logical feature for a downloads mod. Most DownloadsII users are using it.
Originally Posted by maidos
and if i go to manage files i still see the uploaders name
Remove this part from the downloads_man_bit template:
HTML Code:
{$vbphrase['ecdownloads_uploaded_by']} <a href="member.php?u={$file['uploaderid']}">{$file['uploader']}</a>
Two template edits are way easier than removing it
also from the database (with database removal, you will still need to do the template edits). If you don't see it, why is it then so important to remove it from the database?
Just removing the uploader id from the database doesn't solve it all (as that would cause database errors without the PHP edits for every new release).
Originally Posted by maidos
one feature request, can u implent a click box on all files so the staff can easily mass delete the files
let say i got 80 files in one category and i wanna delete 50 files.. it would eat alot of my time deleting one after another if you implent one clickbox it will save alot of time...
Manage Files can do that?

Search for the files you want with the select boxes at the top, then check the files you want and select the action (for example delete) at the bottom select box.