There seems to be an error on one of these lines in the magic_toolbox.php:
<font color=green><b>Example :</b></font>
<div dir="ltr">[poem font="1,2,3,4,5" bkcolor="6" bkimage="7" border="8,9,10" type=11 line=12 align=13 use=14 num="15,16"]
Poem here [/poem]</div>
<font face="courier new, courier" size=2>
???? :
1 : Font type : simplfied arabic
2 : Font size 1 : 7
3 : Font Color
4 : bold Or normal
5 : italic Or normal
Background :
6 : Background color code
7 : Background pic url must begin with <span dir="ltr">http://</span>
Frame :
8 : Frame style
9 : Frame size
10 : Frame color
Poem style :
11 : Use numbers ( 0 = 2 Columns ? 1 = Slope ? 2 = Intervening ? 3 = Column )
The space between the parts :
12 : use numbers ( 1 = Short ? 2 = long )
Poem Algin :
13 : ( center ? right ? left )
poem formating :
14 : ( ex = words length ? sp = words spacing )
????? ??????? :
15 : use numbers ( 0 = didin't parts numbers ? more than 0 = show parts numbers and begin from the number you enter )
16 : number color
Note :
on poem you should use (=) to Separat betwen the lines partes . and if there Just one part don't use ( =)
add frame on the marked text
<font color=green><b>Example :</b></font>
<div dir="ltr">[frame="<i><font color=blue size=2>frameID</font> <font color=red size=2>width</font></i>"]text[/frame]</div>
frameID : frameID
width : frame width
use space betwen frameID & width
Moving the text to the left Example:
<marquee width="90%" width="90%" direction="left" scrolldelay="120">move text</marquee>
<font color=green><b>Example :</b></font>
<div dir="ltr">[move=left]move to left[/move]</div>
Moving the text to the right Example :
<marquee width="90%" direction="right" scrolldelay="120">move text</marquee>
<font color=green><b>Example :</b></font>
<div dir="ltr">[move=right]move to right[/move]</div>
Moving the text UP Example :
<marquee width="90%" direction="up" scrolldelay="120">move text</marquee>
<font color=green><b>Example :</b></font>
<div dir="ltr">[move=up]Move to up[/move]</div>
Moving the text down Example :
<marquee width="90%" direction="down" scrolldelay="120">move text</marquee>
<font color=green><b>Example :</b></font>
<div dir="ltr">[move=down]move down[/move]</div>
If it isn't on any of them then it is on one of those lines, line 292 according to the syntax error I am getting. I have imported the xml file again and still getting the error.