Originally Posted by djbaxter
So do 100 at a time, or 50. Then every time you do a mailout, you'll have that many fewer bounced emails. And eventually you'll get 'em all. 
Originally Posted by Antivirus
It is a lot of work, but you only have to do the work one time, then never again, providing you only send emails to users choosing to receive admin emails on a going-forward basis.
Just a short follow up on this:
I just did my first full mailing to most of my member groups and now have 21.692 bounced emails. A bit more than I expected. If I do 50 a day, every day, then I will be ready in the summer of 2009. If I still have my sanity. lol. But I think I will skip on that fun.
If anyone wants to write up a script to handle this, then I will be most grateful.