I have installed users banlist modification to my forum, it has worked, then when i cliked on second page blankpage appeared, even all the forum pages and admincp, I have tryed to add define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); to my config file then i have noticed the includes directory is not in the forum directory, I have replaced the backup of all the forum files and also i have disabled the modifications by adding define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); code into config.php still couldn't able to view the forum... Also i have delated all the files in xml directory still same there is no error messages only blank pages, i can't login into my admincp because there is blank pages...
The forum version was 3.6.7, i have now downloaded the 3.6.8 and uploaded to the forum directory to upgrade it when i went to install/upgrade.php still can not view the page it is blank...
Now the files on the server is 3.6.8 files... Current version of the forum is 3.6.7 ...
I tought might be server problem but i have got development forum on
http://www.dizi-tr.com/dev/ it is working fine...
Please help i don't know what i need to do

First time i have seen this problem...
thank you verry much
Aycan Yumusak