Originally Posted by aftermath29
look it may be a gret mod and you all work hard to do them and I do thank you for that.All I wanted was how to get it going thats all an install how to.You have some good stuff and the ones I have work well for me.But some of the info on the mods are not that good when you have never used something make it a bit hard.So dont get upset you do good work and I do know this.
If you're having problems PM info to your forum and I'll take a look.
Originally Posted by UK-Biker
For a start I'm on php5, secondly I think asking for developers to wait until they have completed their project 100% including install instructions isn't really a bad request.
I know you all work hard etc etc, but it's no good saying "here you go thousands of people, a new program to try out" then not supplying correct lines of installment.
Bit like buying a car with no keys and having to hack the loom.
It's in beta stage so it's really up to the user to use it on a live site. I've got it installed a couple of sites with no issues. Most of the problems I've seen are other mods conflicting with Goldbrick. If you would like you can also PM and I'll take a look at your site.