Originally Posted by djbaxter
Try reducing the number of PMs it sends out in a batch. I forget what the default is but I vaguely remember looking at it and thinking it was set too high. Try 300 or 100 as a maximum.
- hn_masspm.php should be uploaded to the /admincp folder
- cpnav_hn_masspm.xml should be uploaded to /includes/xml
If they are already there in the correct folders, try reimporting the product - product-hn_masspm.xml - again from the Admin CP.
Originally Posted by SemperFideles
Works well but I have one "complaint" that others may disagree with.
I assumed that the Primary Usergroup selection and Addtional Usergroup selection would work with an OR logic. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
1. I chose to send a Mass PM to all Admins. Some admins have it set as the Primary Usergroup, others have it as an Additional Usergroup.
2. I selected Administrator under Primary Usergroup and Administrator under Additional Usergroup.
Result, no users matched my criteria.
Thus, the only way to send to all Admins was to send out two PM's (one to just the Primary Usergroup and the other to the Additional Usergroup).
In other words, the system is using an AND logic rule to see if the Primary and Additional usergroup criteria both match instead of one or the other.
If that's the way it is then that's the way it is but I thought I'd point it out.
Thanks again, great Mod.
My forum is setup like this as well. We have various usergroups and depending on which mod changes them they either change it to their Primary or Additional usergroup.
Is there anyway to change this mod to use the OR logic?