Originally Posted by Big_Ern
I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one who ran into this problem... Hopefully someone knows an answer. This would be a great mod 
Originally Posted by mystic10
i didnt intstall this hack but i have a similar problem regarding the memory...i had to contact my host so they can increase the memory..php.ini....i dont know if that the same problem but this is a suggestion..i am sure someone more qualified may give u a different...anyhow its a suggestion as i had similar problem
Try reducing the number of PMs it sends out in a batch. I forget what the default is but I vaguely remember looking at it and thinking it was set too high. Try 300 or 100 as a maximum.
Originally Posted by birdie
As those who have this problem, have said (several times, if you read the thread), this has been done and it still does not work and is not under User's. Do you have any suggestion to troubleshoot this problem?
Originally Posted by birdie
The only thing I can think of is that i may have put it in the wrong place on the server. Can anyone confirm exactly where it should go --- ie in which folder???
- hn_masspm.php should be uploaded to the /admincp folder
- cpnav_hn_masspm.xml should be uploaded to /includes/xml
If they are already there in the correct folders, try reimporting the product - product-hn_masspm.xml - again from the Admin CP.