Originally Posted by bugriders
Sorry Andrew. Bit confussing here. My fould!
It's about the thumbs_dir
My root is forum directory. In forum directory I have already the subdirectory images. There I made a subdirectory ldimages (as told in the instructions).
So in admin of LDM I tell him to put the thumbs in images/ldmimages/
Then I get error message:
web server DocRoot /htdocs subdirectory is not existing (translation from Dutch).
I use vbulletin 3.6.4 and LDM 2.2.8
ldmimages is CHMOD to 777
All other functions in LMD working fine till now.
I think I've seen this problem on another site - it's all to do with how the server administrator has set up things. Unfortunately, it's not easy for me to explain how to fix it, unless you are familiar with how the server is configured. I am willing to take a look at your site if you want me to, but it will have to be as an admin.