thx so much for the quick responce to my cry for help.... Yeah there ya go Now I remember that .htaccess thing from a long time back when I tried a linux system. OK that should be a better fix then a redirect... thats goes in the root of the web? ie. /home/isrl/public_html/.htaccess (public_html is my web root)
and Yes I did load the default vb installation files to do the load on the new server, and it did display fine then. Then I uploaded all the files from the Pilot and dumped them over the default installation and imported Pilot db sucessfully into the NEW db and thats when My warning messages started. Once I go into a thread they disappear. the only hack I have on the forum Home is VBShout. and that displays fine as a Center module in CMPS but everything is stretched out in forum Home. Wierd... It all displays fine in Windows...
Here's my url if ya'd care to have a look
Thanks again for all ur help..