I appreciate what you say, but by using it in the context of the plugin, it should pick up the object name. For instance, I have always used:
$vbulletin->templatecache[$this->templatename] = str_replace($find, $add, $vbulletin->templatecache[$this->templatename]);
where applicable within plugin code (for template replacements) and this has worked perfectly.
Additionally, as mentioned above, when I output the value of the contents of $wnum = intval($this->post['field5']); it echoes the correct value relative to the postbit output (one example is options 4 and 9 of field5 are set, bitvals = 8 + 512; the output on the postbit is 520 which is correct). The only problem I get is when I try to treat the $wnum as an int and not a string (to make a bitwise operation on it) that it falls over.
<edit> I've now tried it with just:$wnum = intval($post[field5]); and $wnum = $post[field5]; both of which output the correct value (520) but neither of which can be used within the plugin code to evaluate bits set...