Originally Posted by deezelpope
Originally Posted by whitemike
I read the title and though of monty python lol.
You'll hafta explain that to me...I don't get into Monty Python.
The Black Knight was a character in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. King Arthur and his squire, Patsy, encounter TBK while searching for knights to join his court at Camelot. TBK refuses to let them pass a bridge over what is actually just a little 3 foot ravine which could easily just be jumped across. Arthur and TBK eventually get into a sword fight. The Knight loses an arm and says that it "tis but a scratch". He then loses his other arm and he goes on to say that he's had worse. The Knight then says he'll kick Arthur and through the course of the rest of the fight, Arthur cuts both of his legs off one at a time. The Knight now just a torso and head, standing on the stumps of leg, ridicules Arthur as Arthur leaves screaming "Oh! Running away, eh?!"
It's hilarious!