With a redirect if not part of X group at top of the php page. Or you can do if user not logged in redirect.
Just an easy if statement at the top of the awards.php file. Will show you example in a minute.
I wanted to share that I have created a cron job that has extensive options to it for this mod. I have done donations merger for example but can be used for anything. I knew donations would be most widely used one so here is the concept and will release it later. If a user donates X amount it will auto give them a donation award X and send them a PM saying they have earned it (you set the cron job time, I did 6 hours). Right now I have it setup for if someone donates $100, $300, $500, $1000. Now you can add more very easily within code by copy then pasting previous code and changing only 2 variables the award_id and $reasonX. Has a lot more then this but dam tired just finished it and is working perfect.
Forgot to mention it also has an option to give X credits per medal as well.