Question for you Paul,
What template do I need to modify to move this down towards the bottom of my forumhome?
right now it's below the What's going On ? title and the Currently Active Users. I have flashchat box, birthdays and other stats listed under this mod you provided. With so many member names showing up, I drowns out the boxes under it. I know I can disable members names from displaying, but I want to keep that option enabled.
so again I'm asking which template fo I need to edit to move this all the way to the bottom, right above the footer!?
And I've search and moved things around already in my forumhome template and no luck finding any info in there!!
Thanks for any help!
My list is:
Currently Active Users
Total members that have visited the forum today: (want this moved below birthdays)
I tried moving the end logged off users down, it works, but moves the flash chat one with it.
Members Currently Using Flashchat
Central Street Scene Forums Statistics
Today's Birthdays