Nice style. I really like the colours you used (much the same as one of my styles I started about a year ago). The navbar and logo integration looks very nice and the side panels complement your forum very nicely. Overall, very nice, excellent colour usages placements on many features get top marks.
However, I'm not liking the alt areas very much and even though they aren't terrible I still feel there is room for improvement.
Looking in the forum display I would suggest that you create some custom threadmarkers so that your style is nearer to that fully custom stage rather than settling for the vbulletin stock threadmarkers.
postbit icons - instant messenger icons in my opinion should be changed, not really necessary but that's just me, i like a fully custom style so basically I'm really nit picking. What I would do is certainly change the online status icons they don't suit this style at all and I'm sure you will knock something up which will look better in a matter of minutes.
Overall. Nice style, and top marks for many of the placements like the search, login navbar etc.

Nice work.