Just installed with success. Make sure you read this post before you start to give yourself a headache...
Also you'll need to read back on the threads. I didn't install the database, rather used the dictionary file upload. You have to change the variable in the files described in the post above:
1. admincp - plugins & products - plugin manager.
2. look for "vB Spell Template Changes".
3. click EDIT.
4. find "/vbspell.js". Change to "/forumsdirectory/vbspell.js".
5. do the same for "/vbspell.php".
Just reposted it. Then import the xml file and you should do fine. You MUST upload the dictionary text based file to the forum root (meaning if your forum is installed on
http://yoursite.com/forums, then you have to put it in the forums folder. Etc. Read backwards or start from the beginning of this post and read the process.