Wow what can I say. Pending you ever get to the stage where posts are created in abundance managing such an array of sub forums will become a mammoth >> impossible task. Too many sub forums for a new forum and this will only hamper those guests to even think about registering. In short the amount of forums and the emptiness is overwhelming that you will struggle to gain new registrants.
With regards to the style it's basically default with a few colour changes to the links. It appears that your gradients are missing which (visually speaking) is looking terrible
We all love the vbulletin software but I think your being a little generous in showing your gratitude by thanking and with such a large space. It's taking far too much index space and there are other ways of showing your gratitude in the way of threads rather than killing your index area.
Nothing really more to say other than you may want to look into getting a custom style and I'm sure you'll find one that is fitting for your needs in the styles database.
Goodluck with your forum.