I have been designing a brand new 3.7 vbulletin skin. This skin will have fully transparent features. ALL of the graphics are COMPLETELY custom. If you are running vista, you will notice some small differences here and their. But the skin is really close. Anyways the clock will be fully functional and the backgrounds are interchangeable. Let me know what you think!
Go here to see screen shot:
Screen shot of my entire screen working in photoshop. The background has been changed in the psd to show how that works.
Ohh did i mention it will be free, and come with a completely layered psd? Well it will.
New screen shots of the psd. This screen shot shows the rollover images in the task bar (navigation). I have also started skinning the postbit area. This will be a really neat area.
Photoshop screen (no slices) - http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vistascreenuj8.png
Photoshop screen w/ slices - http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vistareadyslicesre5.png
IF you have ANY opinions on this skin, PLEASE let me know!