1. You have a post that has stood out to you as a "favorite" the entire year of 2007.
2. Perhaps you have a THREAD that has made an indelible impression on you throughout the year?
3. One of the most laughable commentaries you've partaken of within this most long and utterly sensational year of 2007 you find rememorable and want to highlight as "The Best of the Best of vBulletin 2007"...
4. Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera
Highlight your best moments so infidels like myself can bask in the glory of your memorable glow....
Ladies and Gentlemen, Goats, Pigmy orchids and daffodils ---- Who & what - Why and how come..... Do you have an award for best post/thread/comment/laugh that you want to share as a memorable moment for's noted year of 2007?
If yes.... Post away.
--------------- Added 19 Dec 2007 at 13:35 ---------------
Originally Posted by nexialys
It's Jacquii providing the prizes... Celine's entire discography...
I don't think Celine wants to *** Censored ***- this is NOT about her - she's dreadful and she can get over it