Would it be possible to add in the ability to have a user defined setting of whether they want to see the chat box or not?
A custom profile field that would have the choices
View chatbox - yes
View chatbox - no
Then when the forum home loads, it checks that variable and displays the chatbox only if the option is set to yes.
The reason I ask is because at my site, one user has the whole forum blocked by web filters when the forum displays and tries to load the chatbox.
WHat I had to do was create a new usergroup and put him in it and setting that group as not allowed to view chatbox. Now, he can visit the forum, but when he logs on from home, he can't see the chatbox. If he had the ability to turn it on or off in his Usercp, that would solve the problem.
As it stands now, I had to make a new user account for him to log on from home so he can use the chatbox.
Thanks for a great product and apologies for the rambling in relation to a suggestion.