Originally Posted by mark|3
That's pretty strange as the url is created like this:
PHP Code:
$url = $vbulletin->options['bburl']."/downloads.php?do=file&id=$id";
So we take your vBulletin forums url and add the downloads part, which should work fine
Is your forum url correctly set in the vB options (without an ending slash)? Have you modified the DownloadsII templates?
Originally Posted by Flep
I did it...
still 0 
Reupload (and overwrite) all the 5.0.6 files again to your forums FTP. You should have missed the /includes/class_download.php file which was updated to fix the 0 comments counter problem (after running the update counters).
I tested the fix and it should really work
@All: I just tested it and DownloadsII 5.0.6 works fine on the new vB 3.7 beta 2.