Here's pointer to the Home Page option, as for the rest, it's just a case of identifying the template used and editing it accordingly.
You can do this with the use of custom phrases or templates.
Template =
move it to your desired position or another template or
to remove -> comment out the block of code below
<!-- sample code here
<!-- <fieldset class="fieldset">
<LEGEND><LABEL for=tb_homepage>$vbphrase[home_page_url]</LABEL></LEGEND>
<TABLE cellSpacing=$stylevar[formspacer] cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD>$vbphrase[home_page_url]<BR><INPUT class=bginput id=tb_homepage dir=ltr
maxLength=200 size=50 value=$bbuserinfo[homepage]
name=homepage></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></fieldset> -->