Originally Posted by bosal
It's not so simpe, i try. The thing is i have a RL big forum: http://forum.tibia.pl And it uses memceche (i'm turning this in config.php file of vB). This thing is caching all querys in RAM. Normally query is readed directly from Database.
When i'm turning Ad Managment, the whole forum stops, becouse whole database locks itself.
It's not a case of all pages appearing blank is it? Otherwise, I just need the full text of the error. I have no idea if it causes memcaching problems as I don't have any way of testing it, but I can at least see if it is an error with the query itself.
Originally Posted by StreetTriple
the error is .... ACP NOT TRANSLATION!
see this image ...

You have not uploaded the language product.
Originally Posted by Howell
I have set the Postbit advertisement refresh function to Disabled and the error has now gone. Worth looking into RedTyger. 
Will do.