Today again:
t2.firstpostid,, t2.visible,
t2.pollid, t2.threadid, t2.title AS threadtitle,
t2.replycount, t2.views, t2.iconid, i.iconpath,
i.title AS icontitle, t2.lastpost, t2.lastposter,
t2.forumid, forum.title AS forumtitle
, threadread.readtime AS threadread
FROM vb_thread AS t2
LEFT JOIN vb_forum as forum ON (forum.forumid = t2.forumid)
LEFT JOIN vb_post as p ON (p.postid = t2.firstpostid)
LEFT JOIN vb_icon as i ON (i.iconid = t2.iconid)
LEFT JOIN vb_threadread AS threadread ON (threadread.threadid = t2.threadid AND threadread.userid = 351)
WHERE != 10
AND t2.visible = 1
ORDER BY t2.lastpost DESC
LIMIT 0, 10;
MySQL-Fehler : MySQL server has gone away
Fehler-Nr. : 2006
These error comes since Chatbox. And LIMIT 0, 10; is a setting from chatbox. I think there are some Problems with the Smilies- the Limit of 10 is the actual setting. How i can fix it? In the erlier Version there was a fix.
I dont found the code to Change... where is ist?