To answer a few questions that came up:
1) I didn't do the fake names thing, so I'm not 100% sure on the code. Though, I don't think it'd be an major issue to correct. I vaguely recall doing some hacking on this hack to get rid of the extra coma I had on one of my test forums, so I'll try to look into that extra coma thing tomorrow if and when I have time...
2) Re: not adding up; invisible users already causes problem adding up. I posted this bug report a while back, and it was marked as working per designed:
As such, no fix will be provided to change the numbers on WOL page, and no names will be added to it. They are, for all anyone can care, invisible users.
3) This is just altering displayed number; it shouldn't get you banned from Google. If it does, Google is most likely on drugs or a power trip. Typically, from my understanding, Google bans people for making contents to attempt to inflate their search engine ranking / page ranking; not for displaying fake numbers... But, if you feel unsafe, don't use it. I just wrote part of the code for it, I'm not going to be responsible for what Google does on their part.