Originally Posted by DrKNickel
Is it possible to add the chatbox to just one forum? That it displays not everywhere but only on one forum?
For that you have to edit the hook attached to forumdisplay_complete and replace:
PHP Code:
if ($chatbox_permission && $vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_forumdisplay']) {
By :
PHP Code:
if ($chatbox_permission && $vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_forumdisplay'] && $foruminfo['forumid'] == X) {
Where X is the id of the forum you want it to be shown in.
Originally Posted by MotMann
a9 Smiley Problem. I have the same Problem as everyone, that th wrong Smileys displayed.
b) I think its better, that the Smileylist loads, if the User Click on the Icon.. and not if the User load the side. It takes to long loadingtime, if 60 Smileys displayed 
Yes I know, I have to do something about that. I don't think I will focus on it for the next release but this will be on the top priority lsit for next one.
Originally Posted by MotMann
I have the error: in SQL:
SELECT smilieid, smilietext, smiliepath, title
FROM vb_smilie
need help 
Can you please post here your entire error coz there is not error in what you shown us.