Ihave fixed above post but one question and one problem. First question if I install the following it works fine but is there a way to show which thread they are looking at with the attachment and have a link to that thread this is what I using. Also when it shows a guest as in a unknown area where would that be at. What is a unknown area. Does the hack cover all areas they could be in?
PHP Code:
} elseif (strstr($location,"attachment.php")) {
$locationtitle="Viewing an Attachment";
Now for the problem. It seems that everytime since I loaded this hack that when I log into my admin control panel I start have problems with my board count. I log in has admin then go to forum from the CP once there it shows admin as being signed in and also shows me as a guest. So I go to logout and I don't have option i have to sign in on the board ad amin again even though it shows me being logged in and I log out and it corrects the problem. This didn't happen before I installed this hack. Any ideas?