Originally Posted by Nomble
I thinI got it now, but I can't seem to find the option to set usergroup permissions.
EDIT: Infact everything is screwy, after trying to upload the xml a couple it worked and the usermanager options appeared. But im still missing the admincp download options.
You probably missed uploading some files. Reupload all files from the DownloadsII upload folder again to your forums FTP. /includes/xml/cpnav_ecdownloads.xml is controlling the link in the left bar of the AdminCP, so you have missed already that one for sure (probably others also).
Originally Posted by cellow
Thx RS_JELLE -> IT WORKS PERFECT (hope you will fix it in new versions)
i found now the sql errors in the sourcecode of the html error page
Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.6.8:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT title, usergroup.usergroupid, username, userid
FROM vb3_usergroup, vb3_user
WHERE ecdownloadpermissions & 1024 AND usergroup.usergroupid = user.usergroupid;
MySQL-Error : Unknown column 'usergroup.usergroupid' in 'field list'
Error-Nr. : 1054
Date : Thursday, December 13th 2007 @ 12:30:32 AM
Skript : http://www.domainname.de/forum/downloads.php?do=add&id=
Referrer : http://www.domainname.de/forum/downloads.php?do=add&cat=
IP-Adresse :
Username : CAM
Classname : vB_Database
I hope we can fix that asap.
Thank you for your support!
That's a problem with the DownloadsII PM moderation notification Add-On, not with DownloadsII itself. There are missing some TABLE_PREFIX codes, so that gives an issue if you are using a table prefix for vBulletin. You can find a fix
here, but I'm passing this to CyberRanger to include the fix by default as it's there already for a lot of months. It should be ok by default
Originally Posted by cOuNtErFiET
i have 5.0.6 installed and im god admin on my site and im getting
You don't have permission to access /forums/downloads.php on this server
and all the settings in the mod are set right and havent changed since 5.0.4 and i was getting this error with that version is it the host that i should contact or is there a quick fix that im overlooking?
Check the chmod of your downloads.php and compare it with other vBulletin PHP files which are working. Mostly it should have a chmod 644.
You probably better contact your host to report this problem as it's a server configuration problem most of the times (wrong default chmod given by default or so).
Originally Posted by Tom_S
Love it! This mod is one of the best yet. Of course it could use some improvements but I see that being done already so I am not griping. This one I would pay for. One of the biggest issues I see with this though is having files posted with file size showing in BYTES. You have noobs not even knowing how to install it much less users that are going to know how to convert MB to BYTES so there for you are going to have a File Base full of (Unknown) for file size.
I would suggest having it so you can put whatever the actual file size is or none at all. I would prefer the actual file size.
Again..great mod. a few more tweaks and upgrades and this one will be one of the best yet. It is worth paying for. 
If you are uploading a fill, we already put the correct size by default.
For linking, this isn't that easy to do automatically (the server could throw up a lot of errors, can be slow if it's a big file, ...). Working with a Bytes field is giving the most correct result, as MB's are a bit rough
You could always edit the downloads_file_addit template and put a link to a
free bit calculator.
Originally Posted by maidos
is it possible to add a search field on the download main page?
You can edit the templates like you want as DownloadsII is fully templated

The main page HTML code is inside of the downloads_main template and a search field it pretty easy to add. Just add this HTML code where you want it and add some style to it like you want:
HTML Code:
<form action="./downloads.php?do=search" method="post">
<br />{$vbphrase['ecdownloads_search_instructions']}
<br /><input type="text" name="query" maxlength="75" size="50" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="{$vbphrase['ecdownloads_search']}" />