I would contact the 14 Year Old myself and state that there had been apparent suspicions that you maybe getting inappropriate comments from another Member. If he/she denied it, then there is little else I could do, you offer the help but in the end if the other person won't accept it then there is nothing you can do.
Fair assessment, though I'm not convinced that the child would want to say anything as they may to far too afraid to.
I mean a Pedophile is going to be very rare indeed
The example is an extreme one used to show that there are always going to be circumstances where the owner of the board has to make a choice. I the end, ingorance is no defence if someone gets hurt and the board owner gets to bite the bullet for inaction.
It also goes to show that discussions like this are pretty much pointless, because of the vastly different backgrounds that each of us come from, and the vastly different community boards we have running. There will never be a definative yes or no, there can never be.
In the end it is the owners responsibility to protect the members, and him/herself in any manner they see fit. If that means reading a PM to protect someone, then it is their choice and their right.