i have a php script that i am having trouble with. it is not written for vbulletin, but i would like to include it in my vb's template. this script has about 3-4 php files. i create a php file from which i run my script (followed the instructions from How to create a vbulletin powered page). i only include once the index.php of my script, which runs other php files from inside of it.
my problem is the following: when i run the script, everything is fine, the template is there etc. when i enter the details the script asks for, and i hit submit, the new window that opens does not have the vb template. i've tried everything, no luck. the window that opens when i hit submit has no action (etc. xxx.php?=something.) its just xxx.php. the funny thing is that if i have an error in my form, the template stays as it is even though a new window opens. the problem only occurs when i hit submit. please help