Originally Posted by kiFF
I'm a libertarian with a lower-case 'L'. I'm a very conservative libertarian. And there's more to being a libertarian than your position on the war.
And I don't see how anyone who is truly informed can be against the war. Violence is down 70% since last june. And I don't understand how people think we can win this war by withdrawing.
The war debate is going to come down to what news source you choose to believe. I don't buy the main stream media's report they want me to hear on the war. There is a lot more violence there than there was before we ever invaded their country. Our soldiers are still dying. We had no business being there in the first place because there were absolutely no ties between Iraq and Osama bin Laden. About 1.2 million Iraqis have died as a direct result of our involvement. Don't bring some arbitrary statistic of violence being down as justification for a war we should have never started in the first place. There is nothing "conservative" about invading a sovereign country and killing its citizens.

There is no "winning" option for this war. We lost the day we marched in illegally. The war is a huge factor in the decline of our dollar, higher oil prices, the massive increase of our deficit, and the decline of our economy. It has generated ill will for America worldwide. Again, there is nothing conservative about any of that.