Originally Posted by Coders Shack
thanks ill do it via JS 
1. to disable autocomplete on one or several text input boxes add the following CSS class attribute value to each one: class="disableAutoComplete" so such input tag might look like: <input type="text" class="disableAutoComplete" name="mySocialSecurityNumber" value="111-11-1111"/>
2. add the following script block at the bottom of your document, say, right before the </body> tag, inline, or in a separate .js file:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
var inputElements = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (i=0; inputElements[i]; i++) {
if (inputElements[i].className && (inputElements[i].className.indexOf("disableAutoComplete") != -1)) {
}//if current input element has the disableAutoComplete class set.
}//loop thru input elements
}//basic DOM-happiness-check
3. ...
4. let me know if it works ;]
That's a very old post, but I don't see anything wrong with it, off-hand.

I'm sure there are some easier, more modern ways.
And I stand corrected, autocomplete="off" works for IE too.