So...basically there are no security issues with the previous version of this hack...just cosmetic fixes? Am I correct?
I really don't see the need to update this hack if the one I currently have installed is working perfectly.
I see a lot of this going on...where a mod comes out and users make referenece to this and that...having nothing to do with the overall functionality of a hack. The coder then feels the need to change it based on these recommendations...when there really isn't the need to do so.
Coders Shack...
Just leave it alone's working fine on 3.6.8 PL2...
I really don't want to change it, if I don't have to. sent all those who have installed your previous version...which was stable I might email to a manual update of a Beta version...which IMHO isn't stable...otherwise, it wouldn't be a Beta version...right?
Okay...the changes you made per your post:
- Add a check button next to the username field instead of a onchange event
- Add a check email button and have it disappear once a good email is entered
- Make it focus on the next field
You see my point? All of the changes you made above aren't necessary. Your previous version works fine. Leave well enough alone, man...seriously. Otherwise, I think I'll just uninstall this thing before you have someone tell you..."Hey, can you change the color of the red 'x' to a purple 'x'?"
This is a great hack, man...don't ruin it for everyone...
BTW...why don't you remove the unecessary vulgar email address from your attached image for this hack...really...that was a lack of good judgment...and a show of poor taste.