Originally Posted by aeturner89
Ron Paul stands out the most to me. The most important issues I see are the war in Iraq (and overall middle easten foreign policy), government spending, taxes, and monetary policy.
Ron Paul is the only logical choice for America. He's the only one that speaks honestly about the issues facing our nation. No other candidates voting record even comes close. Ron Paul all the way!!
Originally Posted by whitemike
free healthcare
What line of work are you in whitemike? Whatever it is, would you like to do it for free? I doubt you would, which begs the question; why you would want others to provide service to you for free? Universal healthcare and all forms of socialism are immoral. No one has the right to take something from someone else even if the government allows it.
Hey Brad, I read your list and I think Ron Paul fits about 90% of it, especially the war. He voted against it from the beginning. He's against the Dept of Education and wants to return the power to the states. He's never voted to regulate the internet, strongly opposes the war on drugs for the same reasons you mentioned, and he's a doctor and has some great ideas on the medical problems we face. Here's a good interview with him.