For those who are running vBExternal and this mod or the Simple Login Mod, and are running any version of vb 3.6.x, well I came up with a simpler solution to have both run simultaneously.
To prevent a conflict:
1) You need to create a separate blank page just to display the news feed from the vBExternal source. Make a blank page (e.g. newsfeed.php)
Set it up for vbexternal by inserting the pull code at the very top of your HTML code before the header and all that...
adjust to suit the path of your forum
2) Insert within the <HTML></HTML> tags, whatever you would like to display, whether it be news, last ten posters, etc.
3) Go to your home page now or wherever you are displaying the news for the public to see (where the login script also exists and put:
<? include(""); ?>
Note that you will be setting up the page (with the login script) with the regular code included in the Deluxe Login Mod instructions.
4) Enjoy News and Login without complications. I will be posting a demo within the next day or so when I reorganize my site.
Live Demo at