Lately (this last week) I have been playing Counter Strike: Source with my new PC. It's fun and frustrating at the same time, I'm not in the same league most folks that play are.
I got The Orange Box and I'm preparing to play Half-Life 2, I had a problem with the AI not working and the Steam Support Team told me to add a couple of lines to my config.cfg file but I didn't test it yet. After I play around with HL2 I'm probably getting Bioshock, Call of Duty 4 and Unreal Tournament 3 to test my Geforce 8800 GTS.
On the MMORPG front, this year was WoW year for me. I got level a rogue level 70, but the hardcore content past that was too hardcore for my taste, and things started to get repetitive. I got Sword of The New World here but haven't started playing. What I'm really waiting for is Age of Conan, I played a lot of Anarchy Online which was also from Funcom and got level 211 on it.