Originally Posted by JPT
How about this? Let me join your forum & repost what was being sent. Then I will contact your host, who will cancel your account w/o a refund. I just paid for a year of hosting & do not want the hassle of moving because someone was sending PRON (mistake on purpose) which was in a clickable link. Do some research on who is responsible when someone is TRICKED to view PRON. Happy holidays to all, JPT.
Oh dear God not Pr0n, who's your Host run by the The Westboro Baptist Church? I know you have got the answer to your question and what you do on your own forums is upto you.
However me personally would never condone the use of effectively spying on conversations between members, I'm sure like someone said if there was a problem the apparent victim of the abuse would contact me themselves without the need for me to be second guessing people.