It's not really my hack - I just modified the Plugin that came with it to show "New Posts" under the group names in UserCP. I think it was supposed to show the number of new posts, but (for whatever reason) it wasn't doing that.
Here is my modified "GRPS: Group Activity In User CP (15 Newest)" plugin - I made changes near the bottom, where it deals with the New Posts section. You'll need to enter Plugin Manager and paste this over the existing text.
I have tried to get this to display in a VBACMPS page, but with no luck.
// ###################### extracts my groups groups for main grps page
$grps_ids = explode(' ', trim($vbulletin->userinfo['grps']));
$baselocation = ($vbulletin->options['grps_locationswitch'] == TRUE) ? $vbulletin->options['homeurl'] : $vbulletin->options['bburl'];
if (!empty($vbulletin->userinfo['grps']))
$grps_ids_imploded = implode(",", $grps_ids);
$grps_mygroups = $db->query("
SELECT grps.groupid, grps.title, grps.description, grps.approved, grps.leaderid, grps_setting.image_name, MAX(grps_thread.lastpostdateline) AS dateline
FROM grps
LEFT JOIN grps_setting ON (grps_setting.groupid = grps.groupid)
LEFT JOIN grps_thread ON (grps_thread.groupid = grps.groupid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = grps.leaderid)
WHERE grps.approved = '1' AND grps.groupid IN($grps_ids_imploded)
GROUP BY grps.groupid
ORDER BY dateline DESC
while ($grps_mygroupsinfo = $db->fetch_array($grps_mygroups))
// foreach($grps_ids AS $grps_key_id => $grps_mygroups)
if ($grps_mygroupsinfo['leaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
$grps_mygroupsinfo['leader'] = "<img src=\"" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/" . $stylevar['imgdir_grps'] . "/grps_leader.gif\" alt=\"" . $grps_mygroupsinfo['title'] . " Leader\" border=\"0\" /><br />";
$grps_mygroupsinfo['leader'] = FALSE;
if ($grps_mygroupsinfo['dateline'] > $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit'])
$grps_mygroupsinfo['newposts'] = "<span class=\"highlight smallfont\">New Posts</span>";
$grps_mygroupsinfo['newposts'] = "<span class=\"smallfont\">No New Posts</span>";
$mygroups .= "
<li id=\"grpsgroupsbullets\">
<a href=\"" . $baselocation . "/groups/groups.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "g=" . $grps_mygroupsinfo['groupid'] . "\" title=\"" . $grps_mygroupsinfo['title'] . "\"><b>" . fetch_trimmed_title($grps_mygroupsinfo['title'], 20) . "</b></a><br />
<!-- " . $grps_mygroupsinfo['leader'] . " -->
" . $grps_mygroupsinfo['newposts'] . "
eval('$grps_mygroupsbits .= "' . fetch_template("groups_usercp_groupsbits") . '";');
PS - as you can see, I've commented out the Groups Leader image. If you want that back in, simply uncomment that line.