My assessment was from recent events.
I still get a response from even the most SIMPLE posts only like 2 days after.
Sometimes I post REALLY simple questions just to test my theory.
Man your uniform thumbnails STILL(!) don't work. you get uniform thumbnails, but the majority of them are blurry as H!@# (i can get 4 people to back me up). And you don't call that a bug.
Chuck denies he sees a difference.
Please don't post pointless support questions just to test a theory - that slows down support and delays our ability to respond to real questions.
Our support response time varies between a few minutes and a couple days, depending upon how busy we are (like if we recently released a new update).
As the mod said, I'm happy to address your blurry thumbnail issue at the photopost support site -please pm me and point me to a thread so I can see your site.