Originally Posted by ScottW23
I wouldn't call our forums or our software dead. Both are full of life and have been growing like crazy. The PhotoPost sales/support forum received over 2,000 posts in November alone, and we're now up to about 10,000 total sites using PhotoPost (added about 2,000 new customers this year).
I don't get why people still say our support is bad. We have been around for 7 years now - there were support issues (growing pains) years ago that were resolved but people still like to refer back to that time period and assume that we never improved. If you've personally experienced bad support, that's one thing, and I'd really like to hear from you to find out how we can improve and resolve any outstanding issues for you. But if you're just passing along he said she said "yeah I heard photopost support sucks" rehetoric, that's not very kind. We do work hard at what we do and PhotoPost (Pro and vBGallery) is well known as the best gallery solution out there.
My assessment was from recent events.
I still get a response from even the most SIMPLE posts only like 2 days after.
Sometimes I post REALLY simple questions just to test my theory.
Man your uniform thumbnails STILL(!) don't work. you get uniform thumbnails, but the majority of them are blurry as H!@# (i can get 4 people to back me up). And you don't call that a bug.
Chuck denies he sees a difference.