My problem is that there are a number of typos in the FAQ, but I can't edit them with the FAQ Manager. Does anyone know where I can edit this?
In the subjects of the FAQ:
How do i castle?
How do i move my piece?
How can I choose who plays i a game?
How do i promote a piece?
How do i play chess?
Also in the FAQ items themselves:
"The game currently dosn't enforce..."
"It is upto the players..."
"...specify the players names..." (should be players' names)
" on it and click the pannel to the side..."
"If you dont have javascript..."
"The pieces colour..."
"...the pieces initial..."
There are also a couple of punctuation/capitalization things I'd change, and a few things I would word a little more clearly.
I realize some people don't mind things like this, but the people on my forum are not those kind of people. They are the kind of people who care about spelling and grammar and it makes me look bad to have "my" FAQ contain so many errors, and I'd like to fix it if possible.
This isn't a slam in any way, mind you. I really like this mod and think it is well implemented overall. I assume the author just didn't put as much time into proofreading the FAQ, what with being busy writing the code.