Your original statement was that vBadvanced was the "only" one in the list of four "worthy" of being called a CMS.
Better get some specs then mate as you are way off as I changed CMS to CMPS, and yes Vba is the only CMPs hence my statement. Now if your off topic reply wasnt enough, that certainly was enough to make me laugh
It amazes me that people come to forums to supposedly discuss things and learn, and when someone corrects a statement, they get accused of being "off topic" and laughed at. Based on the following replies to mine, there is confusion on the term CMS and so there was value in my reply. This is how people learn... by sharing their views on something.
Im all for people learning from forums especially this forum, but im not for members who think they know it all and take one statement as offensive as the person was wrong and "they know better". Even if I didnt know CMS was or wasnt, I thought your reply was quite offensive to those who cant help the fact they are all not web coders like myself or you. People on my forum dont know what PHP code is or the difference from HTML etc, but I dont go about it in a negative way as if they "should know". That, that is not learning. My point is, there is a way about giving feedback like that.
So in the future, you may want to change your tone when writing as you never know who you are speaking to and what they do / know