Alrighty then. I've gone through this thread with a fine tooth comb.
I have the dreaded "blank page" issue, only when I try to view downloads.php.
Thankfully, I haven't turned the functionality on for the users yet!
This is a fresh install of DownloadsII v 5.0.6 onto a 3.6.8PL2 vBulletin. The vBulletin was recently upgraded (without errors, and works great) from ancient tech, vB 3.0.4.
The thing that I worry about is that during the install of DownloadsII through the product manager, the page times out (the script appears to run greater than 30 seconds). In watching top (I have SSH access - dedicated server) though, I see that MySQL is busy, so I wait... I do have large forums, lots of users, etc. Anyhow, when I see MySQL slow/stop, I refresh my CP and go look around. Everything is there where I would expect it to be. I've chmodded the downloads dir to 777, uninstalled, reinstalled, re-uploaded (making sure to do it in ASCII), etc.
What have I missed? What am I doing wrong?
[edit] So, if I disable the downloads from the downloads settings, and go to downloads.php in IE, I see that they are closed. FireFox doesn't see that. Once I enable them though, neither IE or FireFox can see downloads.php. Dunno if that helps, but it's more info to work with.