Custom Avatar Files Deleted... Get a little help?
Gotta love how Ensim works.
Anyhow, I had just moved my avatars into filesystem storage, and they got deleted by an Ensim task - no back up of the customavatars directory had been made yet...
I don't care about getting them back, but it slows down the display of the board terribly while it tries to resolve images that aren't there. I'm even happy to have clear.gif set as all of their avatars... Some users have replaced their avatars, so I don't want to delete them... Which I will do if no one can help...
What it boils down to is I think I need something to check for users that have an avatar defined, and then compare to the filesystem to ensure that the avatar is actually there. If it is, then move on, if it isn't then delete the info in the DB pointing to the non-existent file or copy clear.gif (or even one of the avatars I have on my board) to the filename that the DB is looking for.
Any thoughts on what I can do? TIA