Originally Posted by Kmaster
While I'm click ther casino user status, I have rec'd below datadase error.
Invalid SQL:
SELECT sum(bet) AS bet, sum(won) AS won, cs1.switch2
FROM casino_settings AS cs1
LEFT JOIN casino_settings AS cs2 ON cs1.switch1 = cs2.switch1
LEFT JOIN casino_bet_stats ON cs1.switch1 = gameid
WHERE cs1.settingname = 'gamename'
AND cs2.settingname = 'gameactive'
AND cs2.switch2 = '1'
GROUP BY gameid;
MySQL Error : The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay
Error Number: 1104
This is a fairly common one, you can solve it by going into phpmyadmin and adding a index to the "casino_settings" table on the "switch1" field.
Next release will involve a major remodeling of how a lot of the settings are stored and will eliminate it completely.