Thank you Kalina but unfortunately I'm not that good in php. Maybe you can help me a little bit further?
I presume you mean this part (I took the original one)
$doublepost['message'] = $doublepost['pagetext'] . "\n\n" . $vbulletin->userinfo['username'] . ' added ' . intval((TIMENOW - $doublepost['dateline'])/60) . ' Minutes and ' . ((TIMENOW - $doublepost['dateline']) % 60). ' Seconds later...' . $vbulletin->options['xen_dp_spacer'] . "\n\n" . $post['message'];
What or where should I change it? Should I just change it into this?
[ b]$dpdataman->set_existing($doublepost);
$doublepost['message'] = $doublepost['pagetext'] . "\n\n" . $vbulletin->userinfo['username'] . ' added ' . intval((TIMENOW - $doublepost['dateline'])/60) . ' Minutes and ' . ((TIMENOW - $doublepost['dateline']) % 60). ' Seconds later...' . $vbulletin->options['xen_dp_spacer'] . "\n\n" . $post['message'][ /b];
Or should it be done another way?
Edit: I just see that the code tag doesnt prevent the code from being bold. I put the [ b] tag in front of $dpdataman and the [ /b] tag before the last ; and the end of the line. Ofcourse if this is correct I have to remove the whitespace before the b and the /b.