Through the Search IP Addresses you can see the IP's of registration and POST only, not view threads, but the Mod does show IPs of the viewed threads
For instance I've logged in at my home, my blackberry (Which is super clunky but can be done) and from my mom's -- each of those IP addresses do show in the threads read (even thought I specifically didn't post at my mom's house, so that IP address does not show using the AdminCP route).
What I'm really looking to do is to be able to review that list (I can sort of do it, by finding a thread they have read, but in the case with the police reported person, it took six mods a long time to find a post she'd read (we have 18k posts and she only read 37 of them). Once you find one thread, you can link to all the others, but it's finding that first thread that can be hard.