I have installed the mod to see who has read a thread and it has a nifty feature that shows me all the threads that a user has read and the last time they've read the thread and the IP address from which they read the thread, so clearly, someplace in the database resides a history of IP address logins.
Anyone have any ideas on how to generate a log from this information.
I actually had to report a user to the police this past week (she changed her demographic details (new name, new location, new child information and only read threads in the pregnancy forum and checked where people would be on our calendar -- with shades of women killed for their unborn children echoing in my mind, I chose to report the user rather than risk her being a complete nutjob. Her changes were discovered after she harassed another user by subscribing her to multiple commercial messages and the sender gave up her IP address, so I looked her up and then did more research).
Who'd have thought a mom's group could have so much drama? But your help in adding another level of protection for my users would be greatly appreciated.