Originally Posted by djbaxter
I've tried a few of these before, both for vBulletin and WordPress. This is the first one that actually WORKS for me.
Well done!
I made a slight modification to the plug-in that might be useful to others...
In functions_amaxzon_links.php, find at lines 6-7:
* your partnernet ids
$associate_id_de = 'xxxxxxxxx'; // or leave empty
$associate_id_com = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'; // or leave empty
Since I don't have or need an amazon.de account but I do have another regional account, I changed this to:
* your partnernet ids
$associate_id_de = ''; // or leave empty
$associate_id_com = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'; // or leave empty
$associate_id_ca = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'; // or leave empty
Then find two instances of
at lines 17-18 and 42-43. Change to:
For other regional Amazons, use the appropriate regional extension instead of "ca".
How would I get .co.uk work with this? Would