Is this something I have jusy got to get used to?
Hi all,
New to the whole forum game but learning quickly.
I have applied some great mods to my board to add funcionality,
and then thought I'd turn my focus on design.
Problem is I load up a style that I like and all my mods are in the default style and not viewable.
I was thinking maybe merge the new style with the default style instead of creating a new one.
Maybe that will solve the problem, but before I do this I thought I had best ask if this is the best practice or do I have the new style stand alone and just redo all the mods.
Baiscly looking for best practices when updating things like mods and style templates is there a way to save me having to keep redoing the same edits over and over or is this something that goes hand in hand with owning a forum.
Thanks for reading and any hints or tricks you may be able to pass on would be gratefully appreciated.