Originally Posted by nexialys
so, 75% of the hacks released for 3.6 on vb.org are now integrated into 3.7... (now, where are the credits for the ideas ?!)
Where indeed? A lot of those features were deja-vu.
Originally Posted by blazingpc
I will wait for the bugs to be worked out before upgrading.
Good point, and it saves me from having to make a decision anytime soon.
Originally Posted by gbml4u
so..Continues using 3.6.x with fully great mods and support or try this totally new version 3.7.x ?
I had the same question for myself when VBB updated 3.5.x to 3.6.x...
I upgraded to 3.6 for one reason only: full PM content in the email notifications of PMs. But as it turned out, multi-quote was more useful than I thought it would be, and those two things made up for the overall headache.
No feature is jumping out at me with this one, though. I don't run a giant board with lots of spammers and faux Mods trying to illegally edit posts, and I don't think anyone gives two damns about having a snazzy profile. And since it's a small board I would rather that people actually
posted on the board, not chitchat in their profiles.
Would that whole word-cloud, social-networking deal help bring in new members? Then it might be worth it, even though word clouds annoy the hell out of me. Word Clutter would be a better name for it.